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Aqua Jogging

Aqua Jogging is a cross training and rehabilitation method that shoots your heart rate sky high and makes your muscles work hard using low impact resistance training.

It is a way to train without impacting joints. Participants wear a flotation device and move in a running motion in the deep end of a pool. Sessions of 45 minutes are done in a group under the guidance of an experienced instructor.

Aqua Jogging is useful in training for running because the muscles used are similar. Pushing limbs through the pool helps strengthen muscles and joints, while the buoyancy water provides will allow you to complete a tough "run" with little recovery time.

You determine the intensity yourself. The faster you move, or the more clothes you wear, the higher the resistance without stress on the joints. That makes Aqua Jogging suitable for everyone.

Why Aqua Jogging?

  1. Training all muscle groups
  2. Minimal stress on joints
  3. Suitable for athletes of all levels
  4. Buoyancy in water is helpful for building better balance
  5. Water pressure and resistance improves circulation and burns off fat
  6. Difference in your temperature and that of water uses more calories

You train your arms, legs and abdomen and benefit from the counter pressure of the water. This way you improve your overall endurance and muscle strength with minimal strain on the body.

Who is Aqua Jogging for?

Aqua Jogging is accessible to everyone, even non-swimmers with buoyancy aids. The big advantage is that there is no shock load, which occurs with normal walking. So, this sport can also be practiced well by people who suffer from overload symptoms and/or injuries. In addition, exercising together in a group creates a lot of fun.

Want to kick your creativity into high gear? Start a learn-grow-share community that connects instructors and participants to water exercise resources and each other.


The benefits of aqua jogging are incredible. Any runners looking to increase their cardiovascular capacity minus wear and tear on joints should jump in, clothes and all. Water is thicker than air, so you can encounter tremendous resistance which you can adjust with more or less clothing.

Due to the water pressure, blood rises more easily to your heart when the heart rate increases. You therefore find it easier than when jogging on land. Moreover, aqua jogging develops flexibility, strength and endurance.


Aquajogging is a very good form of exercise for beginners who want to get fit because of its low impact to the muscles and its effectiveness due to the water resistance. This combination avoids muscle soreness, stress fractures and aching joints. Run in the pool and in a group.

You may not be able to walk on water, but you can run in the pool. Aqua jogging has long been recognized as a rehabilitation exercise for injured athletes, but it's also a wonderful workout in its own right.

Jump In

Once you find a pool and the right clothing for your training level, the rest is easy. The pool should be deep enough so your feet don't touch the bottom. Shallow depths will cause impact on joints and lower the resistance placed on muscles.

Incorporate aqua jogging into your training by completing one or two of your weekly runs in the pool, instead on the roads. If you have a three-mile run planned, estimate how long it would take you to finish this workout and jog in water for the prescribed time. If you're not ready to give up your land-loving runs, start by using aqua jogging as a supplemental workout on a cross-training day.

The pool is also a great place for speed work. If your pool has a clock, you may use that to measure time, or you wear a waterproof watch to keep your workout on track or complete a tough interval workout in the water.


If you need an extended break from the road running due to a recent race or injury, you can substitute your entire training plan with pool running without the risk of losing fitness.

Kick Boxing

Aqua Kick Boxing in the water takes twice as much effort than on dry land, even more so if you wear clothes in the pool. For 45 minutes, you work permanently against the water resistance. Depending on your morphology, you adapt and adjust your movements, which makes aqua kick boxing accessible to all.

Arm swing front to back
Arm swing side to side
Arm swing right/left rotation

Punch front to back
Punch side to side
Punch right and left rotation

Kick Water

This exercise trains the muscles in your legs and your glutes to get strong hips and a better looking butt. You can do this in chest deep water or underwater.

  1. Raise your thighs up before kicking. Touch your knees with your elbows.

  2. Kick water with your lower leg using your quads.

  3. Kick water sideways.

  4. Pull your knees up to your chest.

  5. Bring your foot back down to the pool floor and repeat, alternating feet.

When you are ready, do the same exercise, only this time touching the opposite elbow and the knee of the thigh you are raising. This helps tighten up your waist line for keeps.

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