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Lesson Plan Check List

Go carefully through this list and use it for each lesson. This makes your life easier and lets you focus on your lesson rather than organisation.

Before Your Lesson

  1. Prepare a short lesson plan for each pool session. Make it fun so your class learns faster. Refer to the relevant skill pages on this website.

  2. Wear professional looking swimming clothes, preferably in red and yellow or your team colours. Set a good example for your class to follow.

  3. Prepare a list of needed equipment and clothing. Have it ready for your lesson. Tell your class in advance what kit they need to bring.

During Your Theory Lesson

  1. Meet and greet your class. Make them feel welcome and introduce yourself whenever new members join.

  2. Advise your class to change into the clothes they intend to swim in before the theory lesson. This saves a lot of time when you go to the pool.

  3. Outline the current lesson and what you want to share with them. Set clear lesson objectives.

  4. Tell them about any new subject, show them how to do it, let them try it until they can do it. This is called "Tell Show Try Do".

  5. Finish off by briefing them on everything the need for the pool session. Remind them to take a shower before entering the pool.

During Your Pool Lesson

  1. Observe water safety rules throughout your lesson.

  2. Have a lifeguard supervise your lesson so you can enter the water at any time to demonstrate a skill.

  3. Maximise "action time" by grouping your class appropriate to the activity and pool space.

  4. Clearly demonstrate skills.

  5. Use fun activities to illustrate a teaching point. Your class remembers better that way.

  6. End the lesson by bringing the class into a circle and ask for comments and feedback.

After Your Lesson

  1. Track your class members' progress from each lesson and include this in your planning for the next lesson

  2. Continuously evaluate your class members and record their award item successes on the award worksheet

  3. Evaluate your lesson plan after each lesson and capture good ideas to make it better.

  4. As you work with the lesson plans and develop experience as an instructor, add information to the lesson plans that will help you improve this lesson next time.

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